Tuesday 28 January 2014

Yet to You . . .

Deep into my flesh, these chains have eaten
Days into decades, I have crawled in this dust of want
This debt of sin is a millstone around my haggard, scaly neck
Yet to You, do I lift my bonny, calloused hands
You who lives yonder, next to the sun
You whose breathe is my very life

Does my voice enter your court?
Will You open if I knock on Your heart?
Will You bid me in, should I knock, despite my stinky, tattered rags
Yet unto You can I only hold fast
For You are the light of my hope
Should I look elsewhere, there will I reap only baskets of darkness
So, send Your hand of comfort to me
My heart is in thorns
My tears are acid onto my flesh

Meet me halfway, make haste towards me
I wanna know Your name
Unto Your heart I wanna knock
Before dust returns to dust

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