Tuesday 28 January 2014

Yet to You . . .

Deep into my flesh, these chains have eaten
Days into decades, I have crawled in this dust of want
This debt of sin is a millstone around my haggard, scaly neck
Yet to You, do I lift my bonny, calloused hands
You who lives yonder, next to the sun
You whose breathe is my very life

Does my voice enter your court?
Will You open if I knock on Your heart?
Will You bid me in, should I knock, despite my stinky, tattered rags
Yet unto You can I only hold fast
For You are the light of my hope
Should I look elsewhere, there will I reap only baskets of darkness
So, send Your hand of comfort to me
My heart is in thorns
My tears are acid onto my flesh

Meet me halfway, make haste towards me
I wanna know Your name
Unto Your heart I wanna knock
Before dust returns to dust

Sigh . . . Sigh . . .

Your feet hasten away
Leaving behind your heart with me
In look into your eyes, squinty and red and joyous
And all you wish I would do is keep looking forever
Being away makes your soul sick
You want me close, inches closer to your chest
I ache with the urge to touch you
But you won’t let me beyond a handshake
You seated there, too busy to admit the voice within
Yet when I ogle, I see heaven in your glinting eyes

You call my name out of the blues
Your voice is soft and thin; it pierces my soul
You don’t want me to go out of your days
Yet you won’t let me into your heart
There is this good story between us
                Which we would rather not talk about
Yet you have put this wall between us
                Which keeps my wishes frozen on my lips!
Perhaps you don’t want your knees to buckle
Perhaps my leprosy cannot let you keep me!

Sunday 26 January 2014

Shouldn't Gnash My Teeth!

The hand of time beats
    like the rhythm of my heart
The silence within thunders
    from the hollow of my being
Slowly, my mind walks back
   across the bridge, into yesterday
But the sun today is so bright
   I shouldn't gnash my teeth

This is the sound of a forlorn dream
This is the death of a sweet stream
You walked yonder the horizon
Into the string arms of love
Into the whirlwind of blessed passion
   the heart of heaven
You are happy now, you are, I know
And i should not shed a tear

The hands of my heart, always will set you free
In the beats of my heart, always your smile will resound
The deep sweetness of our love, always will churn in my soul
And like the tides of sea leaves coral shells at the shore
So do our gone days leaves sugar memories in my mind
And I shouldn't gnash my teeth
I shouldn't she a tear.

She is Gone . . .

As I talk now, steam billows from my mouth
It’s cold out here, mist shimmers in the tender morning sun
Wish I could see the mountains, far off, the azure horizons of my dreams
Wish I could cross the yard, hobble into the living room of her heart

But she is gone away, far away
To the land where Eiffel Towers stands akimbo
Where francs buy candies
Where goodnight is bonuit
Where Napoleon is a hero, not a beer
Where Zidane is a football legend

Thought she would be here
Like her name, to carol for me when Christmas comes
For when the strong December winds,
Would gather and rumble in the trees around our tenement
And swirl dust in our eyes as we washed clothed at the outside common sink
I would look into her strong, soft eyes,
So loaded with a thousand, thousand rainbows
And I would sit on my feelings no more
O that she wasn’t actually gone
O that this were just but a dream!

Friday 24 January 2014

On These Pages Of Life

On these pages of life, so have I scribbled my story
Of dreams deferred, of nights within my soul, rogue desires, sordid addictions
      written with a tipsy hand, eager to leave something etched on these sands of time
      dripping from the crevice of my heart
      about the glory of a new day's sun
     about wisdom unused, grumbling within the bowels of my essence
Rising like smoke from the ground, to bring
     cloud of tears on the sky of my eyes

On these pages, so are arranged the days given me
Perhaps not in order -
     rather in the order of chaos or
    chaos of order
Stretching across windswept, parched gullies of buried dreams
Dreams that died stillborn
     and now lying in wait for eternal dawn
Lying in wait for a new breathe of life

When my cup swells with goodness and
    pours out to become the cover of my table
When my gift has been threshed, sifted,
    baked brown from an ominous black
When my vision becomes the landscape of my day
   with rivers of honey flowing between the lush valleys
   thrumming with a million, million rhythms of life
When the echoes of my footsteps carry far
    than the path I have trudged
    laughing at the whirlwinds of my youth
Then - then i when
I will be good to fall onto my shadow
And melt away!