Thursday 20 March 2014

A Tale of Two Nations

A nation in jubilation,
A nation in mourning.

A nation shouts from atop a mountain and down the valleys,
A nation groans up the undulating savannah and down the lakeside.

A nation is swelling with pride and much waving of hands,
A nation is seething with anger and much clenching of fists.

A nation is moving on,
A nation is stalled on the cusps of despair.
A nation is in Canaan,
A nation is in the wilderness, facing its Amalekites. 
A nation sighs in relief,
A nation gnashes in disbelief. 
A nation is raptured,
A nation is fractured. 
A nation plumps for Red Later Days,
A nation swallows bitter Orange rinds.
A nation waves its fists against white imperialists, 
A nation swears against black domination.
A nation fills out the streets, thanking God, chanting insults, 
A nation is locked inside, cursing Devil, bidding time.
A nation is dancing in the moon, waiting for the dawn,
A nation is lying in the dark, cheated of her sun.
A nation is waters of joy, bubbling down the streets,
A nation is a caged bird, censored by the gavel, barrels and bullets
A nation is mine
A nation is yours!
Why have things so fallen apart?
Why are we no longer at ease? 
Can’t we put this devil we so love on the cross?
And make a bridge across this river between?
It’s why I cry for my beloved country
For if we don’t muster the audacity of hope,
We might find ourselves locked in the house of guns
Because the arrow of God will surely strike!


  1. This is great Atetwe. Keep writing

  2. We all played a role in one way but our rights were moved the second we blinked....A nations dreams of another jubilation, A nation waits the end in desperation.
