Thursday 20 March 2014

A Tale of Two Nations

A nation in jubilation,
A nation in mourning.

A nation shouts from atop a mountain and down the valleys,
A nation groans up the undulating savannah and down the lakeside.

A nation is swelling with pride and much waving of hands,
A nation is seething with anger and much clenching of fists.

A nation is moving on,
A nation is stalled on the cusps of despair.
A nation is in Canaan,
A nation is in the wilderness, facing its Amalekites. 
A nation sighs in relief,
A nation gnashes in disbelief. 
A nation is raptured,
A nation is fractured. 
A nation plumps for Red Later Days,
A nation swallows bitter Orange rinds.
A nation waves its fists against white imperialists, 
A nation swears against black domination.
A nation fills out the streets, thanking God, chanting insults, 
A nation is locked inside, cursing Devil, bidding time.
A nation is dancing in the moon, waiting for the dawn,
A nation is lying in the dark, cheated of her sun.
A nation is waters of joy, bubbling down the streets,
A nation is a caged bird, censored by the gavel, barrels and bullets
A nation is mine
A nation is yours!
Why have things so fallen apart?
Why are we no longer at ease? 
Can’t we put this devil we so love on the cross?
And make a bridge across this river between?
It’s why I cry for my beloved country
For if we don’t muster the audacity of hope,
We might find ourselves locked in the house of guns
Because the arrow of God will surely strike!

Wednesday 19 March 2014


Sometimes life is a tumultuous sea, seeking to swallow your boat alive
So you can learn to hold onto the sails of your convictions, as you wait for the friendly tides

Sometimes you got to lose, let it die
So you can gain later, see the green smile of your dreams glory in the morning sun.

Sometimes things don’t go as planned; there is a bend down the road, a river without a bridge
So you can know the way better; become a skilled sojourner.

Sometimes you got to take their insults with dignity
So we can know the levels of your humility.

Sometimes they got to abandon you, let you be
So you can be alone with God, let His voice sink to the depth of your essence.

Sometimes you got to get beaten, bruised, broken
‘Cause every pain is a lesson; every wound holds the seeds of wisdom.

Sometimes you got to doubt it; let your impossible questions known
‘Cause so course is the path to knowledge sometimes; paved by the gravels of second guesses

Sometimes you got to die heart, bleed inside
So you may tell how alive you are; how badly you thirst for that promised abundant cup.

Sometimes you got to go away; so far away
So they can feel the empty spaces within; so your shillings can gain strength against their dollars

Sometimes you got to smile, though what you want to do is cry
‘Cause they ain’t worth your tears; they can’t see the goldmine within you.

Sometimes sorrow will overtake you; crush you to the dust, make a brown paste out of your blood  
So tomorrow you can dance in the sun; grasp its warmth with a new song

Sometimes the night’s dark frock will cling onto your freezing skin with abiding volition
Sometimes when that time comes
All you should know is it last only for some time.